A brief history of ISAPP
The International Society for Adolescent Psychiatry (ISAPP) was established in 1985 as an international professional society to fill a void in the mental health arena.
It is the only multi-disciplinary international organization devoted solely to the mental healthneeds of adolescents.
Members of the organization are professionals-- psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses
and educators—working with adolescents in several parts of the world.
In 2003 the name was changed to International Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology to reflect the interdisciplinary character of the organization.
The Society was founded under the auspices of renowned psychiatrists and psychoanalists, such as Sherman Feinstein, Aaron Esman, Joseph Noshpitz, Herman Staples, Shelley Doctors (U.S.A.);
Serge Lebovici, Philippe Jeammet, Alain Braconnier(France); Francois Ladame(Switzerland);
Moses Laufer (England); Adriano Giannotti,Arnaldo Novelletto (Italy); Rikihachiro Kano (Japan) Michael Kalogerakis(U.S.A.)
The first President of ISAPP was Sherman Feinstein.
Until today nine International Congresses have been held:
the First was held in Paris (1985); President Sherman Feinstein (U.S.A.)the Second in Geneva (1988); President Philippe Jeammet (France)
the Third in Chicago (1992); President Derek Miller (U.S.A.)
the Fourth in Athens (1995); President Michael Kalogerakis(U.S.A.)
the Fifth in Aix-en-Provence (1999); President Alain Braconnier (France)
the Sixth in Rome (2003); President Enrico de Vito (Italy)
the Seventh in Montreal(2007); President Patricia Garel (Canada)
the Eighth in Berlin (2011); President Annette Streeck-Fischer (Germany)
the Ninth in New York (2015); President Lois T.Flaherty (U.S.A.)The Congresses welcomed from 600 to 1000 participants coming from a large number of countries.
The program of the Congresses offered up to 350 communications.
In addition to the Congresses ISAPP has organized Symposia during the International Conferences of other Societies, including IACAPAP, ESCAP, AEPEA and others.
Moreover, in the course of the years, ISAPP has organized Regional Conferences, often in cooperation with Local Groups or Associations : as in Gottingen ( Germany,2002 ); in London ( England,2005 ); Bucarest ( Romanie,2006); Ankara (Turkey,2013 ); Osaka ( Japan,2018 ).
September 18, 2020